When you’re waiting on God, it’s a good time to sit alone, be quiet, think about God, pray, read your Bible, and listen.
One element of an active devotional life is to build in or plan “quiet time” into your devotional practice. Bible study, prayer and fasting are ALL very important elements in building a close relationship with God. However, communication in any relationship is a two way process. Your relationship with God is no different. God wants us to communicate to Him through prayer, learn about Him through the Word, dedicate and consecrate ourselves through fasting, AND He wants the opportunity to be able to respond directly to our requests, through that ‘still small voice’.
When God created mankind He gave us free will and choice. So He wont force His way into our lives, He wont necessarily shout to give His point of view; He’ll wait for a quiet moment, wait for that invitation, wait for an opportunity to be heard.
In any important relationship, it’s important to create the time and space for both parties in the relationship to speak and for both parties to be heard. Our relationship with God is no different.
So perhaps you are at a crossroad in your life and need direction; you may have made requests to God and are awaiting an answer to prayer; you maybe lonely and in need of a friend…
My question to you is: Have you taken some time out lately, to be quiet, still, alone with God; just to listen to what He has to communicate to you?
Oenca is a an author, coach, training and consultant. Specialising in leadership and talent development within the public, private and voluntary sectors. Working with the local authorities and the police service for a number of years, she has been recognised repeatedly for outstanding leadership and professionalism when working with client organisations.